The upland forests, estuaries, and wetlands of California Creek support a diverse population of amphibians, birds, and other native wildlife. Invasive blackberry has spread across much of this landscape, overtaking native plants and disrupting this critical habitat outside Drayton Harbor. Join us in removing blackberry and revitalizing this habitat to create a healthier home for all species!
What to expect: Walking a short distance on uneven ground, digging using a shovel, pulling roots, clipping plants
Directions: From Bellingham take Interstate 5 North to Custer. Exit right onto Birch Bay – Lynden Road, take a left, and cross the freeway. Turn left and travel south on Portal Way for approximately ½ mile, then turn right onto Valley View Road and travel south for ¼ mile. Turn right on Creasy Road and travel west for ¾ mile to the end. Look for the Whatcom Land Trust signs! Click here to join a Carpool.
RSVP: Registration is not required but signing up beforehand will make signing in easier! Click here to pre-register.