Stronger Together
Alcoa Intalco work party on the Kelsey Property

Whatcom Land Trust relies on the wonderful community in Whatcom County to help us achieve our goals of preserving and protecting wildlife habitat, open spaces, and working farms and forests in the county. Business partners play a critical role in achieving our Mission. We are Stronger together when we work together. By partnering with the Land Trust local businesses fulfill a very basic need, finding and keeping great employees. People come to Whatcom County because it is a special place, and Whatcom Land Trust helps to preserve and foster that quality of life. By donating to and working with the Land Trust businesses are investing in their employees.

There are a variety of ways that local businesses can help the Land Trust. In fall of 2018 the Land Trust partnered with Alcoa Intalco on an ambitious project, planting 700 trees on Whatcom Land Trust’s Kelsey property. Over the course of three work parties together the Land Trust and Alcoa exceeded that goal, planting 900 trees across 1.2 acres on Kelsey. This endeavor involved 124 volunteers, including employees from Alcoa, and almost 500 volunteer hours in total.

Kelley Insurance employee and her family planting a tree at Kelsey

Another local business, Kelley Insurance, stepped up to the plate as well. They raised money to purchase 150 plants to for the property, which employees and their families helped to plant. Both of these businesses contributed to the Land Trust in different, but equally valuable ways. This goes to show how powerful partnerships with local businesses can be, and how much we can achieve by being stronger together.

The business community here in Whatcom County recognizes that environmental stewardship is good business and great for our County. By donating money, services, or even just time, business partners can make a huge difference in Whatcom Land Trust’s mission- protecting what makes our County an amazing place to live, work and play. Regardless of size or budget the Land Trust values the contributions our business partners make.

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