
Farming for the Future

Farming for the Future

Pigs in their pen at Alluvial Farms Hay bales in the morning fog Autumn is officially here, and this year the question on more people's minds than ever before is where is our food coming from? When...

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Another Step Forward!

Another Step Forward!

Participants in the legislative tour of California Creek Kayakers outside of California Creek Estuary California Creek Our vision of transforming California Creek Estuary into a park is getting...

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Thank you!

Thank you!

Pulling ivy at the Lower Middle Fork Complex Volunteers in the field Whatcom Land Trust volunteer pulling Saint John's Wart at Catalyst These last few months have been uncertain for everyone, and...

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Asian Giant Hornets

Asian Giant Hornets

Conservation Easement land owner hanging up a trap An Asian Giant Hornet (photo courtesy of the WSDA) A volunteer placing a trap The Asian Giant Hornet, also known as Vespa mandarinia, is the...

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Our Precious Water

Our Precious Water

Children play in Lake Whatcom A beautiful view across Lake Whatcom Kokanne in Fir Creek What do we think of when we think of life? Often, the answer to that question is water. Water covers 71% of...

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